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Global Quality Partners

Global Quality Partners

Global Quality Partners is a strategic IT consultancy that specializes in helping C-Level executives realize targeted Return On Investment (ROI) goals for their IT systems projects. All IT projects start with a purpose, typically to: Increase Revenues Decrease Costs Maintain or Increase Competitive Advantage Or quite simply, to realize some sort of Return On Investment Today however, Business and IT speak different languages, with managers pushing by date, dollars, and deliverables, while IT pushes back trying to deliver function and fitness (or Quality). This struggle wages on countless times in organization after organization, with companies ending up with arbitrary levels of quality and typically compromised deliverables. In the meantime, there is no direct correlation to the Return On Investment (ROI) for which the project was initially slated, it is simply assumed or taken for granted that the ROI will be delivered. Often however, it is never realized or even tracked for verification. There is a better way! Global Quality Partners has pioneered a multidimensional management framework known as Systems Investment Optimization (SIO™), which bridges the gaps between Business and IT, gets everyone focused on delivering ROI, while cost reduction and revenue generation permeate every significant decision made throughout the Software Development Life Cycle. To learn more about SIO™ and the unique solutions of Global Quality Partners, which will allow you to focus on increasing revenues while efficiently and effectively managing your investments in: People and Productivity Tools, Technology, and Enterprise Solutions Strategy and Security Please call Global Quality Partners now, or click here to read more about SIO™.

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About Global Quality Partners



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United States

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