Grace Auburn church
Grace Auburn is a non-denominational church, but we affiliate with The Gospel Coalition , The Summit Network and we are in partnership with North Metro Church and The Summit Church . Grace Auburn is not affiliated with Trinity Lutheran Church, but we are very grateful for their generosity in allowing us to meet in their facilities as we begin. What are your services like? Every week, we gather for worship -- because Jesus is life and because Jesus is worthy. Our services have a structured liturgy that includes reading the Bible, prayer, singing songs of worship, confession, expository preaching, and communion. And after all of that... we often eat dinner together. Because there are more than 3.14 billion people on earth who have yet to hear of Jesus, we also take time to pray specifically for one of the 7,000+ unreached people groups on earth each week. " Jesus replied 'love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.
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