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Vaughan Systems

Vaughan Systems

Vaughan Systems is the leading English language corporate firm in Spain with over 35 years of experience. Working in partnership with a Spanish media company, Vaughan Systems formed the first English language digital TV channel in the country: Aprende Ingles TV. The company has also transposed its method onto TV screens via its "You Tube" style portal. Apart from media coverage, Vaughan Systems also has its own shop and publishes products such as DVDs, CDs, guides for learning English, magazines, games, audiovisual materials and much more for all levels and ages. As you can see, one difference between our business empire and other schools and academies is that here there are opportunities for teachers to work on the radio, television and on publishing projects. We're always looking for new ideas and resources to create. Currently, we have over 200 teachers who provide more than 29,000 hours per month of language training to approximately 5,000 managers and technical personnel in more than 500 Spanish and multinational firms. We are present in Madrid, Santander, Valladolid, Vigo and Barcelona. In addition, we run several residential centers in different regions throughout Spain. The most famous is " Vaughan Town" a one-week immersion program that takes place in the breathtaking mountains of Ávila, in the provinces of Toledo, Segovia and the mountains north of Madrid. Since the company was founded in 1977, we have sustained a rock-hard faith in the one single tenet that has made our company a leader: The success of a language-training program depends solely on the human and technical caliber of the trainer. All the rest is pure adornment. Every year that passes, this conviction becomes more and more ingrained in our corporate mindset and compels us to place priority emphasis on the ongoing quest for resourceful, first-rate individuals. With the emergence of competitors bent on profiting from the growth of multimedia and the internet, it has become doubly clear that there is still no substitute for a good, demanding teacher. We pay well, more than most traditional language schools operating in Spain. This is necessary, not only to find trainers capable of gaining the respect and appreciation of the highest members of the business and professional community in Spain, but to gain these teachers' long-term commitment to our goal of quality and service. So, if you are interested in collaborating with us, let us know. We'll start you out in drill camp and transform you into a tough-skinned commando operative. Then we'll let you loose on our clientele.

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About Vaughan Systems



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Education Management








Tech Stack (87)


Programming Languages And Frameworks


Devops And Development


Business Intelligence And Analytics

Testing And QA

Finance And Accounting

Computer Networks

Product And Design

Productivity And Operations


Content Management System

Web Hosting Providers

Web Servers

Verified CDN