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The expanded service network promotes the Bank to become even more attractive and accessible to the customers. The customers of the Bank are legal entities, including big companies, small and medium-sized business, micro-firms as well as individual entrepreneurs and individuals. The main areas of the Bank's activities include lending to real sector of the economy of Uzbekistan and financing the technical and technological modernization projects in order to promote the production of competitive products and to create new jobs. Financial support provided for small business and for private entrepreneurship is one of the key areas of the Bank's activities. Along with that, the Bank in addition to development of the financial market of the country, gives high priority to the benefits of its depositors, customers and shareholders. The indicator of the Bank's reliability and stability is reflected by 10-year successful cooperation with International Financial Institutions (IFI) in implementing the projects related to micro-finance and lending to small business entities, trade finance and technical assistance for institutional development. The cooperation with IFIs is one of the prioritized areas in the development of the Bank. The growing confidence of international investors in the Bank is evidenced by its entry and by its gaining the reputation as a reliable borrower in the international and in local capital markets. This is proved by the fact that International Finance Corporation and Dutch Development Bank have acquired the portion of the Bank's shares, which has improved its investment attractiveness. The Bank improves its reputation on a regular basis by efficiently fulfilling its obligations to the customers and to the business partners and by strictly observing the current legislation. Since 1999 all of the financial statements of the Bank have been independently audited by international audit companies. The positive creditworthiness and financial sustainability of the Bank have been confirmed by international rating agencies since 2007. The Bank believes itself to be in a position of a reliable business partner that is different form its competitors. It also seeks to undertake its activities being focused on growth, development, effectiveness and increase of the share in the market. Official information

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