Harima Chemicals Group
Organizationally it belongs to the Electronic materials business unit of its mother company HARIMA Chemicals Group in Japan. Harimatec Czech's products serve mainly automotive and electronic markets and can be divided into two categories: brazing materials for aluminum heat exchangers and soldering materials for printed circuit boards. Our customers are premier suppliers of Automotive & Electronics Industries based in Czech Republic as well as in other countries in Europe and around the world. Our products are developed at the Central Reseach Laboratory in Japan using latest chemical engineering. Raw materials (chemical substances and mixtures) are imported from suppliers in EU and Japan, and our products are manufactured with high quality control standard in our factory. All business activities of Harimatec Czech (manufacture, storage and sale) are carried out in/from the company's only facility in Czech Republic, near Prague in Klecany, located in the PointPark Prague D8, Hall DC03. img01
About Harima Chemicals Group
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JapanHarima Chemicals Group
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