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HOA Member Services

HOA Member Services

HOA Member Services is committed to providing members of homeowners associations with general information and valuable resources to enable them to better understand their rights and responsibilities and enhance their experience living and working within a common interest development that is governed by a homeowners associaiton. One such resource is the ability to easily access information about people who provide various services to a homeowners association such as officers, directors and management personnel who have access to the association's funds and property. The ultimate responsibility for the management of a homeowners association, regardless of the size of the association, lies in its board of directors- which is typically elected annually and consists of a handful of volunteer homeowners who come from varying backgrounds, very little of which is known by others within the community. While many HOAs will retain professional property managers to facilitate management, those managers are merely agents who are authorized to perform certain acts that the association's board of directors is ultimately responsible for. Given the nature of how homeowners associaions function, it is critical that the personnel who provide services to the association possess the right qualifications and background history that is necessary for the proper operations of the association and the protection of its members and property. Because so little information is known about the people who an association places its trust in when granting them authority over its funds and access to its property and members and their families, it is critical that appropriate background reports are obtained on such individuals before placing them in a position that can bring considerable harm to the association and its members. Our affiliate,, provides cost-effective background screening services which generates comprehensive FCRA compliant background information data that is generated by multiple restricted databases which we have taylored to the needs of homeowners associations. Through the various background screening packages that are offered and additional a la carte reports, homeowners association's have the ability to obtain valuable information about a person's background that is critical to making informed decisions concerning responsibilities and authority that the association contemplates giving to such a person.

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About HOA Member Services










Woodland Hills




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