Homair Vacances
HOMAIR was founded in 1989 by Daniel GUEZ and took the international route early on, with initial developments outside France in the late 1990s. MONTEFIORE Investment took then a controlling stake in 2006 and HOMAIR managed its IPO in 2007. Both events contributed to an acceleration of the Group's growth. The acquisition of AL FRESCO in the UK from TUI Travel Ltd in January 2011 was a first milestone in terms of external development. HOMAIR built then a more diversified access to financing, via the MICADO mutualised bond in 2012 and a NYSE Euronext IBO in 2013. The acquisition of the European leader founded in 1973 (EUROCAMP) in September 2014 provided the opportunity to include CARLYLE as controlling shareholder, alongside MONTEFIORE Investment and the management. HOMAIR has since been delisted. From 2006 to 2016, revenues have grown above 25% annually, from €20m to €220m.