Hospicelink was founded in 2011 by a team of DME, hospice, and technology veterans who believed there were better ways to manage DME spend while enhancing patient care. Hospicelink has created a nationally recognized, award winning technology and service organization specifically designed to enhance and foster the unique relationship between hospice companies and DME providers. Historically, DME ordering and management was characterized by a lack of transparency and accountability between hospices and DME providers - orders were faxed or called into the DME, invoices were inaccurate and late, costs were unmanaged and difficult to control, and larger hospices were having to manage multiple DME providers across the nation. Hospicelink is the only full service, agnostic DME benefit manager in the industry. As a result, Hospicelink has the unique ability to serve as an advocate for both hospice and DME clients. Hospicelink enables a healthy, symbiotic relationship between hospices and DME providers to ensure the highest quality patient care at the best possible price.