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IBI International

IBI International

IBI International is a consulting and training firm dedicated to providing insightful analysis and practical, timely solutions to challenges facing governments and companies. Our experience has shown that the value of fresh ideas lies in their local implementation. We partner with top quality local organizations to ensure that our clients achieve their goals. Founded in 1996 by Dr. Lucie Phillips, IBI is a small woman-owned firm whose diverse and creative core staff is comprised of dedicated development professionals focused on solving problems in developing countries worldwide. IBI's core principles focus on: Results - lasting improvements for people, firms and governments Job creation/maintenance - the engine of rapid, distributed economic growth Poverty reduction - diminishing the still growing gap between nations' and individuals' prosperity Participation and partnership - actively listening to and involving local people Protecting biodiversity, while enabling development Using regional planning and digital cartography to know where complementary value chains can best develop Linking policies and grass-roots impacts Integrity IBI launched the non-profit International Leadership Center (ILC) in March 2007. ILC is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals improve their performance through training programs. Training specialties include leadership and management training, cross-cultural skills, and designing custom programs and services to meet specialized client needs. The ILC represents a partnership between IBI and the Management Training and Development Institute (MTDI), a company with three decades of leadership, management and cross-cultural communication training. Core staff members speak and write in over a dozen languages, including English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Kiswahili and Wolof. IBI's publishing department provides complete editorial and graphics services to meet all clients' communication needs. IBI reports can be professionally issued as books or pamphlets within weeks of completion. IBI is an equal opportunity employer that actively maintains a diverse staff and takes satisfaction with the results diversity brings to IBI and its clients. IBI is an institutional member of the Society for International Development - Washington, DC Chapter ( IBI is a founding member of the Small Business Association for International Contractors ( IBI is a member of the Coalition of International Development Companies ( IBI is an executive member of Devex ( IBI is registered as a service provider with the US Government's Central Contractor Registration, the Small Business Administration, the USAID Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, the World Bank, and the African Development Bank. IBI is an organizational member of the International Society for Performance Improvement (

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About IBI International



Estimated Revenue






International Trade And Development







United States

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