ICMET Craiova
ICMET Craiova is the national leader in the field of: Research, Development and testing for high voltage and high power equipment Research, Development for monitoring and diagnosis of the electrical power equipment Unconventional technologies using the effect of the vibratory stress relief Unconventional technologies using the effect of the compressed - air at supersonic velocity It is the only manufacturer of force and mass measuring transducers and equipment for heavy industrial duty based on magnetoelastic strain gauging, the result of its own research within interdisciplinary group CERTENSMAG ICMET Craiova : Has national metrological standards for the range of high forces (1 - 32 MN) and high voltages (alternating and continuous voltages, lightning and switching impulses) Has laboratories nationally accredited by : RENAR for High Voltage Testing, High Power Testing, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Low Voltage Testing VDE Testing and Certification Institute certifies the qualification of Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory for "Test Data Acceptance Program" in the field of EMC Participates in the activity of international scientific co-operation by bilateral relations (Greece, Germany, Israel, Switzerland) and relations at European level (COPERNICUS, COST, PHARE, EUREKA). Within the Institute frame the following Scietific Professional Associations carry on their activities: ACER (Romanian EMC Association) led by Prof. Dr.Ing.