PT Niramas Utama
PT Niramas Utama always consistent with the assurance quality of its manufactured products . They only using high quality raw materials in accordance with the BPOM standardization. Packaging form intended for pouch packaging, cup and lid always using a food-grade material which is safety for Consumer Heath. PT Niramas Utama with Inacoand Turtlebrand currenty has many range of products including : - Jelly and Puding 1. Mini Jelly Inaco, isi 5, 15, 25, 40, 50, curah 10 Kg (Lychee, Mangga, Strawberry, Pineapple, Grape) 2. Inaco Konyaku Mix flavor (Lychee, Guava, Markisa, Melon) 3. Inaco Puding Mix flavor 4. Inaco Puding Mango 5. Turtle Mini Jelly (10 pcs)
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