IntegrityWare Inc. is a company that specializes in advanced geometric modeling solutions. Founded in 1996, IntegrityWare has been providing advanced modeling solutions to a growing base of customers building industry-leading solutions. The SOLIDS++ modeling kernel is an Object-Oriented Non-Manifold Modeling kernel that provides a comprehensive suite of geometry and topology tools for Solids Modeling, Surface Modeling, Curve Modeling, Polygonal Modeling and Non-Manifold Modeling. SOLIDS++ has been in development for about 20 years, with research and development of the most advanced modeling solutions. The SOLIDS++ kernel is currently licensed to developers needing to provide the most advanced geometric modeling functionality to their customers - such as Autodesk, MOI, Nemetschek, PTC, Photon Engineering, New River Kinematics, Bentley Systems, Tech Soft 3D, and Ford Motor Company.