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Made in America with pride since our inception in 1991, Intense Cycles offers a complete line of mountain bikes with an authentic heritage and a compelling brand message. Each of our aluminum bikes is designed and manufactured in our state of the art factory in Southern California, which provides an optimal environment for product development while the So Cal factory supplies jobs for 30 or so Californians. Why is Intense one of the very few-remaining US bicycle manufacturers? When all others have flown the coop, why stay put? Why do we bother to keep manufacturing in the US? It's harder, more expensive, puts a heavier burden on resources and is the cause of many sleepless nights for many people - so why deal with the extra hassle? The reason is as simple as it is complicated, but in short - it's our own little way of keeping the American Dream alive. As designer/founder, Jeff Steber says "We make stuff, and what we make has made us what we are." In fact, during the development process of a new product, It's not uncommon for Steber to take off on a test ride in the morning and by the afternoon, aluminum chips are flying and refinements are underway. This is how we do it. It's not the easiest way. It's definitely not the most cost-effective way, but it's our way - and it's the American way. We put our noses to the grindstone and sweat the small stuff to bring you the best, hand-made, highest-quality, American-made bicycles we possibly can. And if we can't do it all here - like in the case of our carbon fiber line - we go to the experts. While all of our aluminum products are designed and manufactured in-house at Intense, we source the carbon fiber manufacturing to Asia. But even then, we hold fast to our ideals and import fronts & rears, leaving room to put our "made in USA" stamp on every nut, bolt, link, washer that goes on each carbon frame. Even the box is made down the street. Jeff Steber is a small-town boy from the Mid-West. His business partner, Marv Strand, grew up surfing in Orange County. Neither one probably dreamed of owning a bike company when they grew up, but their 30 or so employees are glad they do. "We all live locally, spend our paychecks on groceries at local stores and on trips to the local Mountains" says Jeff. It's our own little ripple effect in our local economy. We're not getting rich or amassing mega-profits on each frame, but we take pride in our brand, our bikes and what being American means to us. So when you're ready for your next bike purchase, we ask you to consider buying an Intense. We think they're best bikes on the planet, and they represent all the true, fun-loving, thrill-seeking, adventurous spirit of California, and the Californians who show up to work each day to make one just for you.

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