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Interactive Share

Interactive Share

Interactive Share is a digital agency founded in 2009. The company provides quality services to its clients and expert solutions for their business strategies online. Our main goal is to establish a strong online presence of any Brand using the most suitable and efficient marketing tools. This way we are able to reach current and potential customers. We develop strategies for long term online presence according to the purposes aimed by the Brand. These are purposes according to the Brand's current market share in relevance with the competitors' positions and according to its overall strategy and vision. We define the most suitable online marketing instruments for any of the basic directions - brand awareness, performance and engagement. We provide the best solutions, in order to make them work best together and be effective in the long run. We give the best strategic online media planning, reaching the results we are aiming for. We create and develop advertising formats (banners, text ads), which depend on the requirements of every single marketing tool that we are using, the online environment and the customers' behavior. We create and develop promo and special products pages, applications, viral games, e-mail templates, which are meant to satisfy our customers' expectations and to reach their strategic goals. We use software to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the used online marketing instruments. These software help us analyzing and optimizing the current results of each ongoing online campaign. The Interactive Share team has a long valuable experience in different media agencies and media groups. With our permanent participation in many web seminars, trainings and other specialized events, we aim to develop and promote the online marketing and advertising in Bulgaria as one of the best and effective marketing channels.

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