Investlink Holdings
What is Investlink Holdings? An investment management company with many years of experience in the financial markets. Why Investlink Holdings? 8 years on the asset management market 150+ satisfied investors We face risk without fear, because we know how to control and predict it! We do not rely on luck, but on cold calculation. Our offers: IPO | Investing in IPOs on NYSE and NASDAQ, following the Book IPO, Market IPO strategies, without missing out on minimizing risks by hedging strategy. ETF | Opportunity to effectively invest in the most innovative sectors, significantly outperforming the broad S&P 500 ($ SPY) market over the long term. Pre-IPO | Investing in technology stocks and high-growth companies around the world that are not yet listed on public markets, but which are similar in characteristics to public companies. Pro-IPO | Online service for evaluating and analyzing IPO