Iowa League of Cities
The League's Annual Conference & Exhibit offers lots of opportunities to hear national speakers, attend informative workshops, and participate in discussions with your colleagues from around the state! Additionally, this year's conference takes place September 26-28 in Dubuque. The League conference has not been to Dubuque since 2000, so attendees will have an opportunity to visit Iowa's newest All America City! There are plenty of scheduled events in the Dubuque area, including mobile workshops, the golf tournament, the spouse tour and the Iowa Municipalities Workers' Compensation Association 5k Walk/Run. One particular event that will highlight a Dubuque attraction is the President's Reception on the Thursday evening of conference. The President's Reception is a reception to honor outgoing League President, Dee Vanderhoef, Council Member from Iowa City. This event will be held at the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium. Conference attendees can explore the Mississippi River through interactive exhibits and view many of the fish and wildlife that call the river home. Participants can take all this in while enjoying refreshments and listening to the music of a string quartet.