ISI Environmental Services
iSi Environmental Services provides environmental, health, safety, and facility support services for customers in various market sectors in the United States. The company offers asbestos services that include air monitoring, abatement, disposal, labeling, NESHAPs removal, operations and maintenance, patch and repair, recordkeeping and compliance, surveys and inspections, and sampling; industrial cleaning and maintenance, and hazardous waste management services; and consulting services, which include EPA and environmental compliance, OSHA and safety compliance, worker exposure and industrial hygiene, environmental site investigation and remediation, and real estate/property transaction due-diligence. It also provides remediation services, such as soil excavation, onsite soil treatment, in-situ bioremediation, bioaugmentation, bioenhancement, air stripping, groundwater pumping and treatment, water treatment, off-site disposal, and natural attenuation; and onsite training services. The company serves manufacturing, aerospace, oil and gas exploration, oil and gas processing, property transaction, property development and real estate, government, architectural/engineering, healthcare, agriculture, and materials industries. iSi Environmental Services was founded in 1990 and is based in Wichita, Kansas.