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ITK Information Services

ITK Information Services

Since 2001 ITK has been helping companies use information to their advantage. We collaborate with you to help you work smarter on several levels. First - companies that we work with constantly have vital business information at their fingertips. Information about their own company's representation in traditional and social media, their key competitors, and relevant industry news. Just as importantly companies aren't wasting their valuable internal resources looking for this information, but rather marshalling their people to use the information to take actions that really affect profitability and the bottom line. ITK uses specially trained researchers with specific industry experience to gather and filter through thousands of news sources in order to deliver results that are both concise and thorough. In addition to our daily or weekly news briefs we offer other important services to support Corporate Communications executives and PR professionals. These include compiling research briefs on companies, journalists or any other topic that you need coverage on. We also provide coverage tracking for press releases. We love what we do here and think that the best way to grow our company is through the word of mouth of satisfied clients. In order to achieve this we strive to over-deliver on expectations every single day. Get in touch today to get started on a free trial of our services so you can see first hand how we can do the same for you.

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About ITK Information Services



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Information Services



Sherman Oaks




United States

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