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John Curtis Christian School

John Curtis Christian School

The John Curtis Christian School is a co-educational, non-sectarian private school with a college bound curriculum. The school offers Pre-K 2 through 12th grade with approval from the State of Louisiana Department of Education as well as being a candidate for accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Boys and girls of all religious faiths are welcome to study and pursue their academic endeavors at the school. We will strengthen the moral and spiritual values of the culture provided by the home and the church. Our goal is to educate students in the metropolitan area. We will continue to meet and exceed the national standards, grade level expectations, and State benchmarks for each subject taught. The John Curtis Christian School will teach that belief in God is inherent in the American ideal and culture and that our school pre-supposes a Supreme Being. We will encourage respect and tolerance of all religious conceptions. The school creates and maintains an atmosphere friendly to spiritual and moral truth, thus strengthening and re-enforcing the home and the church in their efforts to provide religious education. We will teach the moral and spiritual values of the Christian culture. These include dignity and sacredness of the human personality and life; the belief that spiritual values are superior to material values; individual responsibility for behavior and for the consequences of individual decisions within society; and devotion to truth and honesty as well as teaching respect for excellence in character and intellectual achievement. It is the philosophy of the school to educate the whole child by intellectual, spiritual, moral, and physical development. John Curtis Christian School recognizes that patriotism is second only to God and family. The school abides by the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus Christ. The students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner representative of these principles. The John Curtis Christian School believes that it should help each boy and girl develop: Christian character, faith, and morals of a high caliber Respect for the dignity of others Wholesome attitudes and a set of moral values by which one can make intelligent choices in life Ability to think clearly, critically, and creatively Ability to alter society through creative thinking and leadership The desire to discharge one's responsibility as a citizen A loyalty to democratic ideals and to our American way of life Ability to communicate ideas with others Skills for one's chosen profession Emotional stability and sound healthy habits Habits and study which will lead to scholastic achievements Assumption of legal, ethical, and spiritual responsibilities The John Curtis Christian School is Christian in principle and will strive for a commitment to Christ and His teachings as we Build Champions for Life.

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About John Curtis Christian School






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