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John F Xuereb. Developed

John F Xuereb. Developed

Through the John F Xuereb Transformation Program, we offer much more than just the opportunity to change your body. John and the team promise empowerment to go beyond the physical into the realms of attitude, giving you the strength to change anything in your life that doesn't work for you. "Personal training is often interpreted as simply assistance in weight loss but that's not only what we do. Through our life coaching program we provide tools to help people develop the self". "We do not offer a miracle pill, a quick fix or an overnight solution. We equally don't offer false hope or promises of achieving a certain weight or look within a short amount of time with limited effort. What we offer is the truth,". "The truth that if you decide to invest time and effort in yourself, you will achieve your goals as long as you understand that it will take dedication, perseverance, hard work and commitment." John, who learnt the hard way about 'the greatest love of all' following years of social problems and physical abuse through his childhood, has strong views on why so many people feel they fail to achieve what they think they want. "Before starting to think about weight loss, you have to discover self value, develop self-love, self understanding and self-awareness and bring out the strength within you to develop your self power. "First of all you and I get together for a free consultation, where we can establish an initial understanding of your aims, goals and needs and what's needed for you to achieve them. Then, if you decide to proceed, you will receive an information package which will help you give me the information needed to design your personal 'roadmap'. Every individual is different and this means that every person's requirements are also different. This is the key in establishing your success: why waste time on a path when it is not for you or your body? The next step is the assessment. "The assessment gives us a great understanding of where you are at present in terms of physical and nutritional matters, and also where you need to be. From this assessment we are able to pinpoint the exact direction for you to travel to achieve your desired goals. We will take this information to determine your current physical and motivation levels, creating a detailed plan to guarantee the success of your nutrition and training goals for the next weeks. Then we will go over your personal roadmap together to help you understand just how your personal transformation will unfold." Following the drawing up of the roadmap, John explains the new lifestyle begins. "You will then get together with one of our Personal Trainers and receive one-hour training sessions to fully understand and form exercise techniques as well as receive positive affirmations and accountability. Personal one-on-one attention is invaluable, and is the springboard to giving you stability in your life. Our philosophy is the foundation - start with your thinking, and receive the tools and a team of people who will provide details of nutrition for your life needs and to reach your ultimate goals. There are also mentor meetings every fortnight where encouragement is given and problems discussed." "I've seen amazing changes: fat loss - people losing between 15 and 20 kilos in less than six weeks, all because their lifestyle has changed, thanks to the roadmap. This gives me great satisfaction. I'm tired of seeing so many people walking around with their eyes wide shut. They seem to 'exist', having no time for themselves, slowly slipping into a dark hole of neglect. Let me help you open your eyes and start being committed to yourself. "The program that we offer is a complete mind and body journey that is different for everyone - it could take you four weeks but someone else six months to adapt and change. Everything is tailored to you: a 60- year-old may not be suited to weight training in the gym but we can develop a different program for working out at home or doing Pilates or walks or swimming or yoga instead. Our oldest client at the moment is 80, followed by a 77-year-old; our youngest is eight." 3rd November

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About John F Xuereb. Developed

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