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Kauno Kolegija

Kauno Kolegija

Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences was established on 1 September 2000 after the binary higher education system consisting of two types of higher education provided by colleges and universities was introduced in Lithuania. Today Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest colleges in Lithuania. About 1 600 students graduate from the university every year. The institution delivers the first cycle studies in the fields of technology, biomedicine, humanities, social sciences and art. All the degree programmes are designed with the goal to equip the learners with profound theoretical knowledge and to provide the maximum training of practical skills. Approximately 30 to 50 per cent of the total study time at Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences is spent on developing student's practical skills. The age of students at Kauno kolegija / University of Applied Sciences year ranged from 18 to 60 years. The average student age is 22-23 years (data of October, 2019). Tuition of almost two-thirds of the future professionals is covered by the state, while the remaining students pay tuition fees. The learners are positive about the modernization of studies quality: about 80 percent of survey participants noted that studies at the university had met or even exceeded their expectations. The university has 4 faculties in Kaunas city and Taurage town. (data of June, 2019). More than 70 labs and workshops are there. The library consists of 2 departments and has more than 85 thousand publications in Lithuanian, English, German, Russian, French and other languages. The students are accommodated in 4 dormitories. In the period 2007 - 2019 the university invested over LTL 30 million for the improvement of higher education quality and renovation or new construction of the campus facilities. The improvement works were funded from the European Union Structural funds and co-financed by the university.

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About Kauno Kolegija







Higher Education





Kaunas County



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