Brynard Kotze Architects
Brynard Kotze Architects Inc.(NCAQS Practice No. 040) is a registered architectural firm located in the port city of Walvis Bay, on the west coast of Namibia . Brynard Kotze Architects Inc. also work closely with J Kotze Design which forms part of a Black Empowerment (BEE) company, Zillion Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd, which specializes in property development, management, investment and project design. This interconnected relationships allows for a much broader scope of services and access to auxillary services both for architectural design and property development. Due to the wide variety of services that is offered by Brynard Kotze Architects Inc. in terms of architecture and development, as well as the increasing amount of projects in which the company is providing its services for, Brynard Kotze Architects Inc. was established in order to provide a more specialized quality service to the client. As a result of the vast experience of the company and the support of the management structure (see below) it is involved in, Brynard Kotze Architects Inc. can offer a service package which covers all design, management, consulting, administrative and feasibility aspects of any development project.