Kewanee High School
Kewanee High School is a larger rural school that serves just over 500 students with an average class size of 17 students.Kewanee High School offers unique programs for a rural school.Kewanee High School offers a wide range of Career and Technical Education courses in business, family and consumer sciences, agricultural, woods, and metals(including welding). long with our traditional educational programming, students at Kewanee High School are offered multiple avenues to explore in order to prepare them for life after graduation.Kewanee High School also offers "dual credit" courses with the local junior college, Black Hawk - East Campus. hese dual credit courses allow students to earn both high school and college credit at the same time for a nominal fee.Currently, Kewanee High School offers the following dual credit classes: Art 100, Accounting (articulated credit), Biology 105, Intro to Business (BA 110), English 101, English102, French 101, French 201, Horticulture 192, Horticulture 292, Math 112 (Algebra II), Math 118 (Pre-Calculus), Math 124 (Calculus),Physiology 145, Spanish 102, Spanish 201, Soc. 100, History 106 (US History), Pol. (Gov't) 122, Welding 120 & 121. Along with our wide range of academic and Career and Technical classes offered, KHS offers a variety of extra-curricular activities to assist our students in growing socially, athletically, and artistically. e believe that our extra-curricular programs provide an opportunity for every student. e offer programs in the arts, culture, sports, scholastic bowl, robotics, agriculture, and speech. ur programs have been extremely successful. e take pride in and believe these programs enhance our students' education, as well as, spotlight our talented student body. Kewanee High School and its staff are dedicated to providing students an excellent high school education. e are extremely proud of our students' accomplishments and successes. e look forward to providing an enriching curriculum to all of our students for years to come.