Kellenberg Memorial High School
Kellenberg offers students more than 80 clubs and activities. Co-curricular activities include the Art Guilds, Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Computer Club, Literary Magazine, Mathematics Club, Science Club, History Club, and Speech and Debate. Kellenberg Memorial sponsors two Science Olympiad teams which have successfully competed on the state level for many years. Among the extracurricular activities are a Boy Scout Troop and a Girl Scout Troop, drama, Educational Television, newspaper, Woodworking Club, and the yearbook. Over eighty teams on the junior high, freshman, junior varsity and varsity levels allow for maximum participation in interscholastic sports. In addition, the athletic program includes intramurals and athletic clubs such as horseback riding, weight lifting, and Blue and Gold, the girls' Sports Night. Priority of admission is given to baptized Roman Catholics. Kellenberg Memorial continues to feature a time-tested Marianist education while introducing cutting edge technology. Students are engaging the iPad as the primary source of textbooks, notebooks, and workbooks, as well as utilizing the device as a means of sharing work collaboratively in class and with their teachers. Harnessing the vast power of this digital resource, the students are meeting the traditional demands of a Catholic education with almost limitless resources. A $200 annual payment is made through a "lease to own" program so that the student graduates with the device that encapsulates his/her entire high school education.