The Ketchum and Walton
Ketchum & Walton Co. provides value to our clients through engineered solutions and product application in the areas of air filtration, architectural and interior noise control, HVAC and vibration solutions. We represent only top market leaders that are focused on continuous and never-ending improvement in research, development, and technology. We are committed to providing products and services that will positively impact your bottom line through cost savings and efficiencies, as well as improve the environment through cleaner air, lower energy consumption, and reduced noise. Founded in 1948 | The History of Ketchum & Walton Co. In 1948, John W. Ketchum started a one-man manufacturers' representative firm to sell Aerovent fans, a Piqua, Ohio manufacturer. Industry in Central Ohio grew very rapidly during the 1950's. In 1964, Jim Walton joined the firm. His mechanical engineering and marketing background, along with his vision for the company, was instrumental in the growth and expansion of the Ketchum & Walton Company. Jim continues to provide leadership and guidance as a Board member. John and Jim's priority of "service to the client" helped fuel the firm's growth, and that philosophy remains ingrained in the company today. Ketchum and Walton is headquartered in Columbus, OH with representation in Cincinnati, Dayton, Akron/Cleveland, and Kentucky. Vibrations Products, a Ketchum and Walton Company, covers New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, while Robert Bost Associates, also a Ketchum and Walton Company, covers Baltimore and Washington DC.