Landspitali University Hospital
It is the largest workplace for health care employees. The main role of Landspitali is threefold; service to patients, teaching and training of clinical staff and scientific research. The hospital offers diverse clinical services in outpatient clinics, day patient units, inpatient wards, critical care units, clinical laboratories and other divisions. Its purpose is to supply health service of the highest quality, be competitive in world wide respective and it emphasizes on compassion, progress, safety and professionalism. Landspitali is supervised by the Directorate of Health and both the hospital and the directorate report to the Ministry of Welfare. The hospital offers a general evaluation of the student, if requested by the school and a form provided, but tests are not conducted. Confirmation letter of the training period is provided on request. Icelandic students do not get paid salaries or receive any benefits from the university nor the hospital during their clinical placements and the same goes for foreign students. The hospital provides a uniform and its laundering (trousers and jackets), not socks or shoes. Status during study period