LeatherUp.com is one of the largest importers of leather and motorcycle goods in the United States. We are dedicated to bringing high quality leather goods to the public at a fraction of the cost you would pay at retail stores. Our buying power enables us to bring you such good deals. No other online retailer can match our quality for the price we offer. That is a fact. The same jackets on our website sell from $199-399 in retail stores around the country. Buy direct from us today and save! We have thousands of satisfied customers and we welcome you to take the first step in experiencing the luxury of leather and the convenience of having it shipped within a few business days to your home or work. Why is LeatherUp.com server so fast? LeatherUp.com speed and performance of our site is one of our top priorities. We have developed our own network on the Internet on par with major websites like Yahoo or Google. This network is made of a string of servers placed in different cities to create maximum speed to our customers. It's very expensive to run this network but we believe it's well worth the investment and added security. Since LeatherUp.com is on its own network your information has a much higher degree of security then lets say a smaller firm who shares a server with hundreds of other small firms. All a hacker needs to do is get access to a server through one firm and they will have access to everything on that server. LeatherUp.com will not take that risk with your information and have added this extra layer of security for our customer's piece of mind. Because of our own network your information is far more secure.