Lithoz® is a full-service provider of high-performance and bioresorbable ceramics produced by the patented LCM technology. Lithoz was founded in 2011 and since then strives to break the boundaries of ceramic production and to support customers in expanding the manufacturing opportunities for the ceramic industry. Customers can benefit from a variety of outstanding materials ranging from alumina, zirconia, silicon nitride, silica-based for casting-core applications through medical-grade bioceramics. In addition, Lithoz® offers application and material development to its customers in cooperation with renowned research institutes all over the world. Since 2016, Lithoz has been ISO 9001-2015 certified. Headquartered in Vienna (Austria) the company has an export share of almost 100%, above 70 employees and has had a subsidiary in the USA. The company's outstanding expertise has been a decisive success.
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