Livingston Christian Schools
Livingston Christian Schools has established a set of core values that govern all decisions. They are embraced and implemented by LCS, and are to be the principles of controlling guidance by which it seeks to accomplish what God has LCS to undertake. The following are the core values of Livingston Christian School: The ministry of LCS believes, and holds to without exception that the Bible is, in the original autographs, the inerrant and verbally inspired Word of God. The Bible is honored in all matters of faith and practice. Livingston Christian Schools is dedicated to honoring the Word of God in all that we do. All employees and board members, must be Christ-followers who accept and support the LCS doctrinal statement. All employees and board members must strive to model Christ in attitude, speech, and actions. We will strive to instill Christ-like morals in each student and equip them to better serve their local church and community through lifelong service. We will maintain an academic program that promotes scholastic excellence. We will seek to use appropriate publicatins and materials throughout our curricula while integrating biblical standards and precepts into the presentation of the curricula. We believe that parents have the God-given responsibility for the education and training of their children and that our authority as a school is derived from the parents. The Christian school provides the opportunity for the home, school, and church to partner together in the shared task of the Godly training of our youth. LCS seeks to reinforce, not contradict the values that the Word of God has established in their youth.