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Law Library Resource Xchange

Law Library Resource Xchange works with nationally recognized librarians, attorneys, journalists, knowledge management, CI/BI and innovation professionals, technology thought leaders, and public interest professionals to bring readers regular, reliable, current and expertly documented articles, bibliographies and guides - a long term contribution to a vital, dynamic and expert global community of researchers. LLRX also delivers a high value weekly column on cybersecurity and privacy issues to keep readers abreast of challenging and fast moving issues in these critical areas. (over 20,000 postings), updated daily, with content unique to this feed. Maintaining a commitment to reliable, actionable resources, this feed focuses on issues that include: law and technology, civil liberties in the U.S. and around the world, FOIA, government documents, the changing role of libraries in the 21st century, environmental law, education, the climate crisis and global warming, the economy and financial sectors in the U.S. and abroad, and of course, books! Sabrina's blog - BeSpacific is included in the Top 100 Legal Blogs 2017 & 2016 and the ABA Web 100: "No one better has her finger on the pulse of the legal information world than Sabrina Pacifici, law librarian and author of the blog BeSpacific," writes legal tech expert and blogger Robert Ambrogi. "Launched in 2002, BeSpacific is one of the longest-running legal blogs and, remarkably, Sabrina seems more prolific today than ever. She posts multiple items every day, covering the gamut of law, technology and knowledge discovery and topics ranging from cybersecurity to legal research to government regulation to civil liberties to IP and more. For me, BeSpacific is one of my daily must-reads and has been for 14 years straight. is Free to all readers. Please Support LLRX using the PayPal Donate Button. Thank You.

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