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Locus Interactive

Locus Interactive

Locus first set out to design a website site that would meet Plano's goals demonstrating the ZeroTrace™ technology, differentiating the product from its competitors and to sell the home units direct to consumer. We focused on a design that would appeal to a general audience that had a clean, modern, innovative look that followed the sleek aesthetic of the product. We developed content that was educational, credible, and showed the powerful benefits this new technology could provide. We also created animations that showed how the technology worked with an easy-to-follow explanation. The result was a cohesive product launch that catapulted Plano into a new realm of product sales. As part of the Go-To-Market-Plan, Locus was tasked to create visual content that describes Zero Trace's key benefits, educates consumers on why it's better than the alternatives and ultimately drives a consumer's first purchase. Locus created a series of educational videos that would be used as sales tools, social media content, and retail content. Our design team created the 9 video set series by combining CG animation, video footage with sound effects and a voice over. The end product was series of videos in varying lengths that showed how ZeroTrace home unit could be used in a variety of settings including kitchen, bathroom, animals, at-home gym, litter box, teen's room, laundry room and with smoking.

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