McGohan Brabender
McGohan Brabender is an organization built on the talents, knowledge and passion of our employees. Our employees consist of former insurance carrier executives, ancillary specialists, financial analysts, veteran benefit brokers, and service care professionals. Regardless of their role or responsibility in the organization, all employees are empowered to "always do the right thing for our clients" with the complete trust and support of the organization. This trust and support is the foundation for a culture that named McGohan Brabender the national first place winner of Business Insurance magazine's "Best Places to Work." Since 1972, McGohan Brabender has assisted organizations of all sizes and types with the design, implementation and communication of their benefits programs. McGohan Brabender provides a comprehensive portfolio of benefit products that not only meet your benefit needs, but introduce new ideas to your organization. These services include: benefit plan design, communication, member advocacy, wellness, compliance, and actuarial services. Over time, we have made a conscious decision to stay exclusively focused on employee benefits rather than branch out into other lines of insurance. This is our niche.