Micireds Network Technologies
In the past 10 years we have established a name in Cisco, Linux, Virtualization, Security and storage certifications. Micireds Network technologies signature style of functioning involves persistent efforts towards to provide effective mentoring for CSE, ECE, IT and EEE engineering students. The study materials at Micireds Network Technologies is continously updated to the contemporary industrial training. In a typical training programme a trainee will be put over 6 hours of practical job training - refer to over Cisco, Linux, Virtualization, Security and storage) manuals and protocol topologies which unique with Micireds Network technologies. Our trainees includes Bachelore, Engineers and Master graduates from prestigious institutes continues to undergo rigorous training, brain storming and analysis sessions at Micireds Network technologies for challenge themselves by taking various global certifications. we operate a broad spectrum of segments in education institute in Puducherry and chennai. AWS - Front Page