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Milano Metropoli - Eurada

Milano Metropoli - Eurada

Milano Metropoli was one of the driving forces behind AIDA, the Association of Italian Development Agencies, set up at the end of 2003 to boost the role played by development agencies in the promotion and economic and social revitalization of local areas. Conceived as a cooperative network linking national operators in the sector, AIDA's mission is to provide its members with services and support, including products, innovative services, cultural and institutional promotion. Its main aims are to: enhance awareness of local development culture and practice; share local development know-how and skills; increase the agencies' economic and organizational effectiveness and efficiency; promote cooperation between the agencies and all the economic, social and institutional operators involved in local area development and marketing; rationalize and integrate public policies in support of economic systems and local areas. The Association promotes cooperation with all public and private bodies involved in planning and implementing local development projects and cooperates with the national and international organizations committed to these issues (Formez, Audis, Eurada, OECD ,). Any organizations whose principle aim is to promote local development can become members of AIDA: from agencies formed by local town councils or Chambers of Commerce, to territorial management consortia or other negotiated planning associations, right through to service centers such as BICs.

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About Milano Metropoli - Eurada

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