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Malta Police Association

Malta Police Association

Through its existence the MPA progressed from an in-house association to a fully fledged workers union within its own right and is also a member and equal partner within the CMTU and also EuroCOP so that it could be in a better position to see that the working conditions of its members are ameliorated and brought on par with other European Police forces. The MPA although associated with these organisations is an independent union and is not tied with any other Union and as such it is free and independent from any political agendas that such other unions may have. The sole interest of the MPA is the safeguard of your rights and to give you a voice. The MPA is led by the executive committee formed by 9 members and this committee is democratically elected by all the union's members in a vote which takes place every three years. Past successes achieved by the MPA are the introduction of shift allowances, tax reduction on Extra Duty, adjustment in shift hours and other incentives. However the MPA is also aware that there is much more to be done and that it cannot sit on its laurels, in fact the MPA is continuously engaged in several negotiations to continue bettering the working conditions of its members. However none of this would be possible without your support which is shown by joining ranks with us and becoming members of the MPA which is the largest local police union. Incidentally the MPA is also a non-profit seeking organisation and the subscription fee paid by the members is the cheapest available option and the sole intention of such a fee is to cover the expenses of the Union itself. profile-mpa

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About Malta Police Association









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