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Mr Web

Mr Web

We establish what the objectives are to be achieved and what budgetary issues need to be considered. Is the site to be a Brochure style, Ecommerce or an Online Business Application? What does the site need to do? Who is it targeted to be seen by? What are the measurable results expected? It's the boring stuff that must precede building the website - and because we stick to this discipline, it ensures that the website will work! We will guide you toward what you need to do, what we need to do and how to proceed. This includes advising us of the ten (10) main keywords relevant to your business, providing the company logo, images and the content. Our advice also includes registering your businesses Domain Name. We will also encourage you to include in your site some essential pages you may not have considered. For example, your website will need a Sitemap (an index of the site's content) and a Resources page where links to other important and relevant sites are placed to encourage those sites to link back - and both help your ranking in the search engines. And THEN we build the site with the "WOW" factor - perhaps in stages - to match the stages of development of your business. And when we do, we align the build of the site with the business case and objectives. This takes into account not just the look and feel of the site, but also all the necessary marketing issues that go hand in hand with success. Our particular forte' is to ensure that your website gains the highest rankings in the search engines. Called Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), it involves applying web design and development technique to the use of the keywords you want your customers to be able to find you with when they search for you and your products and services. Fewer than 10% of web design firms know how! Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) takes six months to complete because the search engines won't allow a new site to race to number 1 position overnight and it takes that time to build the number of important sites which link back to yours. And so during that time, Mr Web will guide and assist you with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) which includes Pay per Click and Email Marketing. Finally, we will take care of the Web Hosting for you, and show you how to analyse the visitor traffic your site gets. At Mr Web, we are a one-stop-shop taking all things from concept to production. So Call +61 (03) 9018 7354 for a obligation FREE business consultancy. FREE 2 hour consultation; call telephone number +61 (03) 9018 7354 NOW!

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