Metropolitan Thames Valley companies
We also offer a range of care and support services. Our specialist areas include older people, mental health and transitional services which provide intensive support to marginalised or vulnerable people. We deliver training programmes, events and activities for our residents, designed to boost employment opportunities and foster stronger communities. A member of the National Housing Federation and the g15 - which represents London's largest housing associations - we are building more homes to address the national shortage of affordable housing. In October 2018 likeminded housing associations Metropolitan and Thames Valley Housing formally completed a partnership to form Metropolitan Thames Valley. We came together because we want to improve the services we provide and do more in our communities. We'll do this by listening to our customers and working alongside them. Through the nature of our work, we believe we can develop ways of doing things differently that help tackle big social issues about where and how people live. We believe everyone should have a home and the chance to live well. Our history