Muktinath Krishi
Business Development Services are provided in various stages from investigation and feasibility to growth and maturity for a start-up to long-established agribusiness including marketing, technical, financial, and capitalization services. Building up value-added and viable business, business management, research and analysis, financial facilitation, and business risk management are major business development services MKCL has been providing. Likewise, the origins of Muktinath Krishi Company Limited (MKCL) find their root in Muktinath Bikas Bank Limited (MNBBL) which was established on 3rd January 2007 with a principle "Janata Bank ma hoina, Bank Janata ma Janupardachha" or "People do not come to Bank, Bank should go to them" with a motto of providing three types of banking services viz. Modern Banking, Limited Banking, and Micro Credit. The bank has been catering microfinance services for years and has also been providing market access, supplying good inputs and technology to various members of the agricultural value chain via MKCL. Message from chairperson