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Nevada Republican Party

Nevada Republican Party

We support free markets by eliminating government regulations that unduly impede the growth of business and jobs. We support auditing all monetary policies, with full disclosure and transparency, as related to the Federal Reserve, FHLMC, FNMA, and any other federally sponsored corporations. To ensure energy independence, we believe our nation has the right and the obligation to access our existing energy resources including, but not limited to, petroleum, natural gas, and coal. We support drilling both on and off shore, mining, and emerging technologies. We support the use of nuclear technology for energy, research, and economic purposes; including reprocessing and storage. We oppose any and all corporate bailouts and believe all companies must succeed or fail on their own merits, responsible only to their owners and stockholders. We oppose any government effort to restrict, license or regulate journalists, bloggers, or persons expressing their opinions on the internet. We further oppose any attempt to impose taxes on interstate sales of items purchased over the internet.

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About Nevada Republican Party






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