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NexRep is a company dedicated to our people, and we partner with a team of agents who outshine the competition. Our agents are: Empathetic Authentic Relatable Reliable What is invaluable to the work we do for our clients is our ability to fill our workforce with people who have these innate skills. This kind of workforce allows us to provide the highest level of customer care. When customers call and speak with our agents, they come away from the experience feeling understood, cared for, and confident in the brand our agents represent. What's unique about our agents is that they work out of their homes. Traditionally, call centers are located in areas where the staff tends to be transient and inconsistent. Recruiting and maintaining good agents in call centers is difficult and can leave clients with divested, unhappy people responding to their customer's needs. With our at-home model, we are not limited by geography. As a result, NexRep agents are higher educated, more committed, and happier with their work situation than the standard call center agent. As an example, a large portion of our agents are former career-women who've switched gears to become parents and want the flexibilty a career with us provides. We provide an opportunity for them, and for all of our agents to mold their schedules to what works best for them, in their own homes while they provide our clients with the best customer service in the industry. There have been studies performed on the best formula for good customer service and based on these studies, the number one criteria for an agent to provide good customer service is that agent's level of satisfaction in their work situation. We have the corner on that market. Our clients are looking for us to provide customer care that is unparalleled in the industry. They expect the quality of their product and the quality of their service to be synonymous. We have the formula to satisfy their needs.

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About NexRep



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Consumer Services







United States

Tech Stack (92)




Devops And Development

Programming Languages And Frameworks

Business Intelligence And Analytics

IT Security

Computer Networks

Productivity And Operations

Audio / Video Media

Content Management System

Web Hosting Providers

Web Servers

Product And Design