NIHON TATEMONO K.K. NIHON TATEMONO K.K.Last updated on Saturday, Oct 22, 2022Update Company DataYour Work EmailWhich fields seem incorrect to you?RevenueTechEmployee CountSectorIndustryLocationOtherComments you'd like to add?Send SuggestionsWebsiteUpdate Company DataYour Work EmailWhich fields seem incorrect to you?RevenueTechEmployee CountSectorIndustryLocationOtherComments you'd like to add?Send SuggestionsAbout NIHON TATEMONO K.K. NIHON TATEMONO K.K.Update Company DataYour Work EmailWhich fields seem incorrect to you?RevenueTechEmployee CountSectorIndustryLocationOtherComments you'd like to add?Send SuggestionsCategoryTech Stack (4)Choose a Category...Computer NetworksDevops And DevelopmentMarketingProgramming Languages And FrameworksComputer NetworksJapan Registry ServicesDevops And DevelopmentCloudFlare CDNMarketingTwitterProgramming Languages And FrameworksHTML