Node.js Foundation is a collaborative open source project dedicated to building and supporting the Node.js platform and other related modules. Node.js is used by tens of thousands of organizations in more than 200 countries and amasses more than 3 million active users per month. It is the runtime of choice for high-performance, low latency applications, powering everything from enterprise applications, robots, API engines, cloud stacks and mobile websites. The Foundation is made up of a diverse group of companies including Platinum members Famous, IBM, Intel, Joyent, Microsoft, PayPal and Red Hat. Gold members include GoDaddy, NodeSource and Modulus/Progress Software, and Silver members include Apigee, Codefresh, DigitalOcean, Fidelity, Groupon, nearForm, npm, RisingStack, Sauce Labs, SAP, StrongLoop (an IBM company), YLD!, and Yahoo!. Get involved here: