Novanym is a collection of professional, natural-sounding business names - each with a perfect .com domain. So all you have to do is pick one that you like and that feels right for your business ...and buy it. It's as easy as that. Coming up with a name on your own can be a time-consuming and frustrating business - especially if you want a perfect, no-compromise .com domain name. You soon discover that most .com domains are already taken. And although it's great to work with a branding or naming specialist to develop a bespoke name to a specific brief, sometimes the time and budget just isn't there. That's why we developed Novanym: a fast, pragmatic way for people to name their business venture. And to make it even easier and faster to go live, Novanym also offers you a choice of three professionally-designed logos as part of the package. With Novanym's help, you could go from a great idea with no name, to a live branded business in a matter of days. Who is Novanym for? Novanym is for anyone who needs to find a great new business name, and who wants to own the perfect .com domain for their website and emails. Our customers come from the four corners of the world and from every sector you can imagine. The businesses range from small startups to funded ventures and large corporate re-brands. But our customers have one thing in common; they found it hard to name their business themselves - and they recognise the importance of a perfect .com domain for building a brand.