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O-D has worked with every agent in the business during the last 12 years, and have come to learn a great deal about these individuals. As in any field, there are some individuals who are more credible than others. Some agents provide O-DLife a stipend if any of our players sign with them. These stipends are NOT a finder's fee. Any fee we receive is for the understanding that during certain player's careers with that agent, O-DLife will make sure that said agent will honor every promise he has made to the player and his family prior to his signing, as well as making sure that he is negotiating the best possible deals for the player, and making sure the player's image is always one that he and his family are proud of. When there is an issue with any of this, O-DLife steps in and makes all parties aware of what must be improved. We are only capable of providing this service, always free of charge to the player, because of our vast knowledge and 42 years of experience in the industry. We are not involved to please the agent, rather to make sure that the player has the fulfilling, prosperous, and safe career that he and his family deserve. O-DLife never picks the agent for you. We simply take your preferential information regarding what you're looking for in your agent, and tell you the top-5 or more that best fit your specifications. We do not and will not simply provide you with agents that offer us stipends. It's important you are aware of this so that you are not told different from any agent for his own benefit. Please advise us of any agent that claims such and we will confidentially investigate this agent's intentions. Again, our fee NEVER comes from a player's pocket and any stipends that we do receive to our non-profit organization, are used to assist the retired 1800+ NFL alumni involved with O-DLife who may be in a family, financial, or health crisis. There are a great deal of players who respect our initiative to ensure that more players won't be fleeced by agents as hundreds upon hundreds of hard-working players have before them. We request that any agent who attempts to utilize our assistance to their advantage, and more importantly, if he attempts initiate other arrangements, to be viewed skeptically as these are traditionally the individuals with whom players have lost the most from signing with. As you can imagine, our services haven't made us very popular with some agents because we are going to hold them accountable for their promises to the athlete and family. However, the time has come for players to finally get the respect they have earned and to be treated as they deserve and never taken advantage of.

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