Fascinated by travel hacking, the two teenagers started a Facebook page to collect and share the hidden gems of the travel industry. No revenue model, just genuinely trying to make the world a better place. A few months later, the first concept of Octotrip was drafted. Without having a garage, the belief to become the next big thing was there. Even more so, to bootstrap the idea and MVP phase, the two shared the bed for almost two years. With 1000 dollars left, Jens and Jappe left for Singapore to raise a seed round to fund the development of Octotrip. "If everything seems under control, you&s;re not going fast enough." At this point, Octotrip has six people working full time to finally bring business travelers the convenience they need. Octotrip brings vision and craftsmanship together, in one simple but beautifully designed application. What we believe in