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Openovate Labs

Openovate Labs

Openovate Labs has stared death in the face more than once since our open last year. Last month we experienced our first negative in growth. Though we are optimistic we can get over this like other times before, every time it reminds us that we are equally close to seeing success as we are seeing failure. It's what we do during these desperate times that makes or breaks us as a company. A wise man told me that "Desperation causes people to go out of their safe zone and be bold. It's only through desperation when you think about robbing a bank." Also through desperation we can find true friendships and genuinely good people. We told the truth to our staff, our partners and our clients. Touch by the open arms everyone has given us and willing to help. We are truly blessed to be working with those around us. We define a great company when employees are deeply happy and excited about going to the office. None of our staff left after we broke the news. Jeffery Siy, aka Boy Kuripot lent me money to pay for my rent. We will pay him back this week and he has also referred some work to get us through these hard times. James Key Lim, the COO of Delivering Happiness proves to be a valuable ally and a supportive friend. Though other startups are used to only reporting things that are good and the media likes to cover success stories, we feel it's important to tell our story both good and bad. But we are not looking for hand outs. The executive staff are working on acquiring some great lasting clients for next month. If we are successful in these partnerships you will see Openovate Labs consistently hitting their profit margins throughout the rest of the year. Our Expresso public launch is days away as well as our Galleon beta launch. We are also days away from launching our latest micro product called Broadcast, a social plugin for Magento and as always adding more APIs on to our Eden library. M&A is also still on our table. The executive staff has also agreed we should be seeking an investment round since overall our track record are profits. Though our death date is at our front door, we won't know if we are dead till the end of the month.

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Mandaluyong City


Metro Manila



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