Orodek Przetwarzania Informacji
Our principal aim is to provide access to complex and up-to-date information concerning Polish science. In addition, we conduct our own R&D projects, mainly of an applicable character, which serve as a stimulus for development of science, technology transfer and improvement of the Polish higher education system. We pursue research on Polish scientific developments and assess activities of other R&D entities, universities and centres of technology transfer. We focus on expediency and efficiency of scientific undertakings and ways of their financing. We create complex IT systems on science and higher education: from technology architecture, through data collection and verification (organisation of processes, Internet search, semantic analysis) to data aggregation and visualisation. We recognise the importance of interdisciplinarity in contemporary science. Hence, our projects combine IT studies (artificial intelligence, cognitive science, human-computer interaction), sociology and economy of science (sociology, psychology, statistics), and user-experience design (user-centred design, economics). The core recipient of our work is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, for which the results of our research serve as an instrument for better decision-making. Accordingly, Information Processing Institute provides analysis for the two other central R&D financing agencies: the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development, as well as for the Ministry of Regional Development, other governmental bodies, public sector experts and entrepreneurs. We create linkages between public and private entities. As an entity supervised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education we are keen on cooperation with entrepreneurs, local government officials and NGO's representatives. Approaching research problem from many perspectives allows us to come up with unprecedented solutions, spot complexity and interconnections of processes and occurrences. Polish scientists - database (opens in new window)