Our clients are using OTrainU and the OTrain services to deliver all types of training. From our educator and RTO clients delivering First Aid and Responsible Service of Alcohol training, through to our fast growth employers delivering their Induction and On-boarding programs. We've got Chemical Supply companies teaching their clients how to correctly and safely apply their products, and Spill Companies using the OTrainU system to teach their clients how to clean up chemical and other spills. And we're not limited to particular sectors or industries. From Childcare to RTO's, Manufactures to Electrical Contractors and Transport companies, OTrain is in operation across the economy. With OTrain you can opt for a fully outsourced model and have us do all the work, or use your existing skills and resources to do it yourself, and quite often its a mix of both. At OTrain we're here to put your training online, but more than that we're here to help make your training work.