Paras Energy & Natural Resources Development
Paras Energy is a privately-owned independent energy supplier connected to Nigeria's national grid. Availability of the generating assets is, therefore, a key necessity and was a notable factor in the decision to sign the Optimised Maintenance agreement with Wartsila. The agreement has been specifically tailored to meet the needs and growth ambitions of the customer. In 2009 Paras Energy decided to benefit from the advantages offered by the Wartsila gas engines rather than using gas turbine technology, which was at the time standard in Nigeria. Today, this is well in line with the Nigerian Federal Government's integrated energy mix targets. The Nigerian Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) action agenda in the 30:30:30 vision document outlined a target of generating 30 GW of power by 2030, with 30 percent from renewable energy sources. The key benefits of the Wartsila technology include flexibility and the ability to quickly adjust the load in response to supply fluctuations from renewable energy sources. Gas engine power plants can be sized to meet the requirements of different needs, such as those of manufacturing industries, cities, or local microgrids. Furthermore, the Wartsila solution features low water consumption, which is an important consideration in view of Nigeria's long dry seasons.