ParentsTogether Foundation
ParentsTogether is a start-up social change organization, formed four years ago to support diverse parents and drive progressive, family-friendly policy change. We use a "functional organizing" model. First, we provide creative and thoughtful parenting resources via SMS and Facebook Messenger bots that address daily parenting challenges and help people become better, happier parents. Then, we use those same messaging channels to mobilize parents and folks in their social networks to take action on urgent issues. As a national association, our goal is to engage millions of parents to protect and improve public education, fight for affordable childcare, defend kids' healthcare, and stop cruel anti-family immigration policies. Over time, we hope to create a self-sustaining funding model, where we generate revenue from our mobile content via ads, contributions, and brand partnerships. Our strategy is based on lean startup principles. We try out ideas quickly, see what works, and iterate. As a team, we are collaborative and generally solve challenges together. We have a positive, low-ego, low-drama work culture. All of us love our work and are driven to help this new organization succeed.
About ParentsTogether Foundation
Civic & Social OrganizationLocation
Washington, D.C.State
District of ColumbiaCountry
United StatesParentsTogether Foundation
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